How do you say phone brands/models in Chinese? (2024)


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26 Nov

  • Schwedisch

Quality Pkte: 36

Antworten: 4

Zahl der Likes: 5

  • Japanisch

  • Vereinfachtes Chinesisch (China)

Frage über Vereinfachtes Chinesisch (China)

For example, iPhone 16 pro max, Samsung Galaxy s24 Ultra, Google Pixel 9 pro xl etc


How do you say phone brands/models in Chinese? (2)

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How do you say phone brands/models in Chinese? (3)


26 Nov

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Telefonmärken och modeller på kinesiska kan uttryckas på följande sätt:

- Telefonmärken: 电话品牌 (diànhuà pǐnpái)
Exempel: 苹果 (píngguǒ) för Apple, 三星 (sānxīng) för Samsung, 华为 (huáwéi) för Huawei.

- Telefonmodeller: 电话型号 (diànhuà xínghào)
Exempel: iPhone X kan översättas till iPhone X (艾芬 X, àifēn X), Samsung Galaxy S10 kan översättas till 三星Galaxy S10 (sānxīng Galaxy S10).

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26 Nov

  • Vereinfachtes Chinesisch (China)
  • Traditionelles Chinesisch (Taiwan)

Quality Pkte: 158

Antworten: 42

Zahl der Likes: 32

just use the original name, but we pronounce numbers in our way. and google didn't enter chinese market, samsung quitted years ago i think, but samsung did localization. galaxy named 盖乐世, but most of us do not buy samsung after their battery exploded, that was a big shock. in the end, only apple sells their products in china, only apple can do, you know what i mean.

How do you say phone brands/models in Chinese? (5)

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etwa 15 Stunden

  • Vereinfachtes Chinesisch (China)

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We usually just use English for models but Chinese for brands. Occasionaly there are no Chinese for brands either.
For your examples:
iPhone 16 pro max
三星Galaxy s24 Ultra
谷歌Pixel 9 pro xl

How do you say phone brands/models in Chinese? (12)

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etwa 13 Stunden

  • Vereinfachtes Chinesisch (China)

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well, actually they do not have any special names on it. but like iphone we call it "ping guo shou ji" like apple mobile phone. "ping guo" means apple "shou ji" means mobile phone. like this. to be honest, i really advertise the chinese brands rather than something sounds like your local brands but made in China. they are pretty good.

How do you say phone brands/models in Chinese? (19)

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etwa 11 Stunden

  • Schwedisch

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@yangke06 I actually have a Chinese brand phone (OnePlus), but iPhone and Samsung are the most popular in Europe and the US.

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How do you say phone brands/models in Chinese? (27)

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How do you say phone brands/models in Chinese? (2024)
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